Friday, April 22, 2011

A Less Depressing Home!

Article from Apartment Therapy

Before we start, although your home can cause a certain level of depression and there's things you can do inside of it to help the blues be gone, that doesn't mean there could be other contributing factors. Furniture placement can only take you so far, so make sure to see a doctor if or when the time is right (and don't forget to ask for a sticker or a lollipop, that's the best part). Medical disclaimer aside, on with the tips!
1. Let There Be Light Even if your space doesn't get the best light, there's a few things you can do to make the most of it. Add mirrors, open blinds, use lighter material for curtains and most of all — wash those windows!
2. Flow of Furniture Examine how traffic comes in and out of your space. Is there a natural flow? Try mixing up your furniture, putting it on an angle, adding a new conversation nook — something, anything to bring new life into stagnant furniture groupings. Just remember, furniture loves to live on walls, but that doesn't mean it always has to!
3. Do Some DIY Not only do endorphins make you happier, but getting something done for your space gives you a little pride and responsibility for your home. It doesn't have to be anything large, just bust out your tool kit and get to work.
4. Deep Clean Sometimes what's getting you down is literally the grime and gunk. When you feel your house is so cluttered you don't know where to start, pick one space and go from there. Clean the top of one table, clean the top of one bookshelf and so forth. Once you get to them, clean carpets, linens, blinds and the tops of ceiling fans that might be forgotten.
5. Thin It Out For most of us, clutter doesn't always feel overwhelming or like actual clutter. It feels like we're surrounded by stuff we own, but until you have lived without it, it doesn't seem like something to get rid of. If you don't love it, it goes. Plain and simple, once you start to shed actual weight from your space, you'll be amazed at how quickly it lightens up.
Do all of these tips and tricks sound familiar? They should if you're a long time Apartment Therapy reader. Individually they're all great things to do around the house and if you're already doing them, then awesome! But stop to think if you ceased to do one item on the list above, or how about two or three. Can you feel the walls closing in yet?
It's a great reminder that our participation in our own home is mandatory for our own health and sanity as well as the physical appearance of our space when company comes over. Be a part of your home and allow it to breathe and you'll be greatly rewarded.

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